Celebrate New Year your way!

Once again the Lenovo company stands out on the market. This time it’s with the Yoga Tab3 PRO – a tablet with a built-in projector. The new tablet comes out just before New Year’s, and that’s why, we together with ExactlyDigital released a clip in the spirit of the holiday.


The clip’s main character is a little boy. He has caught a cold right before New Year’s and is really sad to be mssing out on the holiday fun. But he finds a solution – with his gift, the Lenovo Yoga Tab3 PRO, he creates a magical holiday world right in his room.

The tablet is really cool: a powerful with a very decent projector. We all fell in love with it!


Hungry Boys
  • Creative Director Vlad Sitnikov
  • Copywriter Alexander Shtefanets
  • Account Director Agunda Baeva
  • Producer Tatiana Chepko
  • Composer and performing Alexander Shtefanets
  • Arranger Oleg Karpachev
  • CEO Anna Karaulova
  • Head of Social Media Department Polina Malakhova
Simply Good production
  • Director Ilya Soloviev
  • Cameraman Aleksandra Myasnikova