Tiger Challenge


Together with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) we launched a new interactive project to support the Amur tiger.


There are only 450 Amur tigers left in the world. Our goal is to draw audience’s attention to this problem and involve it in WWF’s work done for conservation of the species.


What do we know about tigers? They run a lot! We decided to play on the global trend of running. With the help of our project, everyone can challenge the wildlife taking part in the running competition with real tigers.


We have fixed a gps tag on one of Amur tigers from the Far East that allows us to track its location. An adult tiger can run up to 80 km per day, about 20 km on average.

Anyone can try to fight with the new competitor. All you have to do is register on the run4tiger.com website and start acting.
Those who lose the competition “owe” the tiger 100 rubles. It is up to the participant whether to donate the money to the fund or not.


Hungry Boys
  • Creative Director Vlad Sitnikov
  • Creator Ksenia Apresyan
  • Art-director Sergey Andronov
  • Designer Anna Komarova
  • Illustrator Ekaterina Shakirova
  • Video Sergey Yumakov
  • Producers Viktor Kozlov, Ira Zhirikhova
  • PR Alyona Shakirova